Marriage and Mission
Speaker: Don Rayman Series: Hope for Exiles: A Study in 1 Peter Scripture: 1 Peter 3:1–7
Main Point: The hope of the Gospel empowers a life of self-sacrificial service.
- For Wives (vv. 1-6)
- For Husbands (v. 7)
- For Everyone (vv. 1-7)
Additional Sermon Content
Sarah submits to the questionable wisdom of her husband in an unjust and frightening situation in a foreign land/hostile environment— exactly the kind of situation the church is in today as exiles.
Karen Jobes, Biblical Scholar
I believe in a wife submitting to her husband, but I don’t believe the husband ever has the right to demand it. In fact, I know that when I am worthy of submission, my wife submits; and when I am unworthy of it she does not…My responsibility as a husband is to be worthy.
Scot McKnight, Biblical Scholar
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Galatians 5:22-23a
other sermons in this series
Aug 7
Hopeful Resilience
Speaker: Eliot Delorme Scripture: 1 Peter 5:6–14 Series: Hope for Exiles: A Study in 1 Peter
Jul 31
The Flock of God
Speaker: Andrew Sheard Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1 Series: Hope for Exiles: A Study in 1 Peter
Jul 24
Suffering Well
Speaker: Don Rayman Scripture: 1 Peter 4:12–19 Series: Hope for Exiles: A Study in 1 Peter