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August 14, 2022

The Covenant Keeping God

Speaker: Don Rayman Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 12:1–20, Genesis 15:1–21, Genesis 17:1–27

Main Point: The God who calls us at the beginning is the God who carries us to the end.


  1. The God Who Calls (12:1-9)
  2. The God Who Covenants (15:1-11; 17)
  3. The God Who Confirms (17:1-14)

Additional Sermon Content

“Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.”

Genesis 15:6

“The life of grace is not an effort on our part to achieve a goal we set ourselves. It is a continually renewed attempt simply to believe that someone else has done all the achieving that is needed and to live in relationship with that person, whether we achieve or not. If that doesn’t seem like much to you, you’re right: it isn’t. And, as a matter of fact, the life of grace is even less than that. It’s not even our life at all, but the life of that Someone Else rising like a tide in the ruins of our death.”

Robert Capon
Pastor & Author

other sermons in this series

Nov 20


Providence and Promises

Speaker: Eliot Delorme Scripture: Genesis 50:15–26, 1:1 Series: Genesis

Nov 13


When God Confronts Us

Speaker: Don Rayman Scripture: Genesis 42:1–37 Series: Genesis

Nov 6


Joseph, Jesus, and Freedom

Speaker: Andrew Sheard Scripture: Genesis 40:1–23, 1:1 Series: Genesis