Due to the snowstorm we are CLOSED on Sunday, February 16, 2025.


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October 23, 2022

A Better Brother

Speaker: Eliot Delorme Series: Genesis Scripture: Genesis 37:1–36, 1:1

Main Point: God restores ruined families through the love of Jesus.


  1. A Father’s Favorite (vv. 1–4)
  2. A Brother’s Boast (vv. 5–11)
  3. A Bitter Vengeance (vv. 12–28)
  4. A Deceived Dad (vv. 29–36)

Additional Sermon Content

And remember that the heavenly Father to whom you pray has no favorites.1 Peter 3:17a (NLT)

Jesus & Joseph

  1. Jesus misunderstood and hated by his brothers. (Mark 3:21)
  2. Jesus sold for 30 pieces of silver. (Matthew 26:15)
  3. Put into a pit (grave).
  4. Raised to glory.
  5. Extends grace and love to his brothers.

other sermons in this series

Nov 20


Providence and Promises

Speaker: Eliot Delorme Scripture: Genesis 50:15–26, 1:1 Series: Genesis

Nov 13


When God Confronts Us

Speaker: Don Rayman Scripture: Genesis 42:1–37 Series: Genesis

Nov 6


Joseph, Jesus, and Freedom

Speaker: Andrew Sheard Scripture: Genesis 40:1–23, 1:1 Series: Genesis