We make disciples who rest, walk, and share in the love of Jesus.

Rest in the Love of the Father

Before we are ever called to do anything, we are invited to Rest in God's love. A love that sent his Son to die for us. A love that holds us secure. A love that will renew this broken world and set it right again. We desire to make disciples and be disciples who rest in this love – the kind of people that know and expereince God's love.

Walk in the Ways of the Son

We believe that the love of God isn't a love that leaves us where it found us. It transforms us and makes us new. It's a love that is able to shape us and mold us and hold us. Jesus said, “As the Father has loved me, I have also loved you. Remain in my love" (John 15:9). We desire to walk in the life-changing love of Jesus, believing that his ways are better.

Share by the Power of the Spirit

God's love is meant to be shared with the world around us and experienced among us. Christ sent his Spirit to empower us for mission in the world God has made. We are called to live from the love of God and for the love of God so that the world might know the love of God.